Tailored Training Programs by Qualified Professionals
Here at ISTL, we place such high value on staff training programs! Ensuring that officers, employees, and clients all benefit equally is crucial for a successful organization. Ongoing training helps keep the team relevant and competitive, especially considering the unique ways each organization operates. Our goal is to create a professional environment through training. ISTL’s commitment to officer development is evident through its partnership with qualified professionals to create tailored training programs. These programs are fully sponsored by ISTL and it demonstrates the organization’s dedication to fostering growth and expertise.
Recruitment Process
Online or In-Person
In-Person Interview
In-Person Training Program, Medical, Uniform Preparation
Advancement to Security Officer
Security Induction
The Security Induction Training serves as a warm welcome for new recruits, acquainting them with the company and their roles. It ensures that they are well-informed about organizational matters and aware of their responsibilities. The ten-day Induction Training covers a range of essential topics, including ISTL’s Orientation, HSSE Orientation, Physical & Baton Training, Customer Service, Access Control, Patrol Principles, Report Writing, Effective Communication, ISTL’s Code of Ethics. It ensures that recruits are well-prepared for their roles within the organization.

The Philosophy of Innovative Services, Policies and Procedures
Basic Security Training / Fundamental of Security
- Pocket Diary/Station and Post Diary Management
- Basic Communication Skills
- Crime Scene Protection (Trespass Act)
- Appearance and Turn Out
- Note Taking
- Report and Statement Writing
- Disciplinary Handbook
General Duties of a Security Officer
- Access Control and Procedures
- Patrol Techniques
- Sight Specific
- Don'ts of a Security Officer
- Code of etiquette of a Security Officer (Ethics in the workplace)
- Motivation
- Anger Management
- Conflict Resolution
- Attitude and Behavior Modification
- Stress Management
- Managing Change
HSE Induction
It is our commitment to ensure the promotion of HSE management throughout our operations and to provide our clients with top tier security officers who are trained and knowledgeable in good HSE practices. The Innovative officer benefits from and undergoes a myriad of interactive and engaging HSE related training facilitated by our highly experienced and certified internal and external training providers.
To ensure competency, induction and routine refresher training are conducted in areas such as; HSE Induction, TT-OSH Act Awareness, Fire Safety/ Selection and Use Fire Extinguishers, First Aid/CPR, HSE Awareness, Behavioral Based Safety, Job Safety Analysis (JSA), Defensive Driving etc.
We are STOW Certified and proud members of the British Safety Council allowing us to stay compliant in industry standards.
Our robust HSE training process ensures that our officers are a step ahead of the rest at conducting their duties safely and can actively participate towards the maintenance of our clients’ safety procedures and goals.
Under HSE We Offer:
- Safety Awareness/Awareness of the Environment (refer to HSE - Safety Awareness Policy)
- Substance Abuse
- Health Awareness
- Evaluation of job/ questionnaire
- Fire, First Aid and CPR training (based on contractual requirements)
- PLEA Passport (based on contractual requirements)
- ISPS Training (based on contractual requirements)
- Trainee Evaluation and feedback
- Behavioural Based System {BBS}
- Voluntary Principles on Security and Human Right
- Defensive Driving (based on contractual requirements)
- Basic Firefighting (based on contractual requirements)